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Infection Control

At Your Smile Centre, your safety and comfort are of paramount importance. For this reason, we’re committed to most stringent of safety protocols as recommended by the Australian Dental Association. Their guidelines are created from the current international best practices in evidence-based infection control, and each of our team members has been comprehensively trained in their adherence.

Below, you can read about some of the safety protocols that are in practice at our clinic.

Taking Every Necessary Precaution

We have a range of standard precautions taken to minimise the risk to our patients;

  • Ensuring water quality is safe for drinking
  • Environmental cleaning
  • Etiquette for cough and respiratory hygiene
  • The appropriate reprocessing of instruments that are reusable
  • The proper handling of waste and sharps
  • The use of masks, gloves, eye protection and gowns
  • The use of non-touch or aseptic techniques when possible
  • The use of plastic coverings and other barriers on contaminated or difficult to clean surfaces
  • The use of protective equipment during procedures as well as when cleaning instruments
  • Undertaking hand hygiene before and after using globes
  • Utilising one-use non-sterile items

Regular Testing to Ensure Your Safety

Pressurised steam is used for sterilisation at our practice, which is referred to as steam sterilising or autoclaving. Items placed into the autoclave have all viable microorganisms removed in the cleaning process. Furthermore, the testing performed and all results of the tests are recorded and reviewed.

Know that your dental care is in great hands. Contact our team to experience dental care that’s tailored to your needs!


Infection Control at Your Smile Centre | (02) 9558 9876